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Moon Cycles & Menstrual Cycles: The Connection Between Lunar Phases and Menstruation

October 24, 2024

Written by: Autumn Walsh (She/Her) MSW, LSW, CCTS

The mysterious relationship between lunar phases and menstruation has fascinated humans for centuries. Many cultures have recognized the moon’s influence on various aspects of life, including fertility and the menstrual cycle.  This article will explore how different lunar phases affect menstruation, offering insights into this intriguing connection. (Read more about the menstrual phases)

Understanding the Lunar Cycle

The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days, composed of eight distinct phases:

  1. New Moon
  2. Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter
  4. Waxing Gibbous
  5. Full Moon (Spooky)
  6. Waning Gibbous
  7. Last Quarter
  8. Waning Crescent

Many menstrual cycles naturally align with these lunar phases, with an average menstrual cycle lasting around 28 days.

New Moon: Reflection & Renewal

The new moon represents new beginnings and is often associated with introspection and reflection. During the new moon phase, the moon is not visible from Earth. The moon is located between the sun and the earth. New moons typically occur once a month, but the exact day can vary from month to month. It takes approximately 29.5 days for a new moon to go from one new moon to the next new moon. This is because the earth and the moon are both moving around the sun as the moon orbits the earth.

 For some, this phase coincides with the start of the menstrual cycle. The dark sky symbolizes shedding the old and making way for renewal, paralleling the shedding of the uterine lining. Emotions can be more pronounced in this phase, making it an ideal time for self-care and personal reflection.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Increased focus on inner feelings and self-discovery
  • An ideal time for setting intentions for the upcoming cycle

Waxing Crescent: Growth & Intentions

The waxing crescent phase is identified by a small, crescent-shaped sliver of the moon that is visible in the night sky. In the northern hemisphere, the waxing crescent appears on the right side of the moon and in the South, it appears on the left side of the moon. The crescent gradually increases in size over several days. You can often locate the waxing crescent in the western sky after sunset. The waxing crescent lasts about one week.

As the moon begins to wax, energy shifts towards growth and manifestation. This time can inspire motivation and enthusiasm. For some, this phase may align with the post-menstrual phase when energy begins to rise, making it a great time for socializing and setting new goals.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Increased energy and boost in mood
  • Often associated with feeling empowered and confident

First Quarter: Action & Decisions

During this phase, the moon looks like a half-illuminated circle in the sky. This moon tends to rise during the middle of the day and can be seen in daylight. The first quarter moon sets around midnight below the western horizon. This phase lasts for about three nights.

The first quarter moon signifies a time for taking action and making decisions. Corresponding with this phase, some people may feel more assertive and ready to tackle challenges. This is a powerful time to pursue goals and engage in personal and professional endeavors.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Heightened motivation and readiness
  • Ideal for making important decisions and taking bold actions

Waxing Gibbous: Expansion & Refinement

The waxing gibbous moon appears in the sky as more than half illuminated but not yet full. The lit portion of the moon in this phase increases each night, and the shape of the illuminated part resembles a hump-back or “gibbous.” This phase lasts approximately 7.38 days. The waxing gibbous rises around 3:00 pm and sets around 3:00 am.

As the moon approaches its fullest phase, the waxing gibbous signifies expansion, growth, and refining intentions. Some people may experience peak energy levels during this time, with a strong sense of purpose. It’s a great time for creativity and collaboration with others.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Enhanced creativity and productivity
  • Opportunity for teamwork and collaboration

Full Moon: Release & Refinement

When the moon is in this phase it appears fully illuminated in the sky, rising around sunset and setting around sunrise. This is because the moon is opposite the sun in its orbit around the earth lighting up half the moon and half the earth. In this phase, the moon may look flat and bleached out. This is a great time to look for a moonbow around bodies of water or in the rain.

The full moon is often associated with culmination and manifestations, it is a time of heightened emotions, increased energy, and increased potential. For many the full moon can lead to sleepless nights or intense dreams. If menstruation coincides with this moon phase, it may represent a powerful period of release and personal transformation, as the mensurating person sheds not just the uterine lining, but also powerful emotional baggage.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Strong emotional and physical responses
  • Ideal for releasing negativity and letting go of what’s not currently serving you in a positive manner

Waning Gibbous: Gratitude & Reflection

The Waning Gibbous moon appears less than full but more than half illuminated, with a slightly misshapen humpback appearance.  It is best viewed late at night or early in the morning and can sometimes be seen during the daytime. This phase occurs once a month and lasts about 7.38 days.

As the moon begins to wane, it’s a time for reflection and gratitude. This phase encourages individuals to review the goals and intentions set during the full moon. For menstruating people, this may be a time for emotional processing and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Opportunity for self-refection and healing
  • Increased self-awareness of emotional needs

Last Quarter: Letting Go

In this phase, the moon appears half-lit from Earth’s perspective. It may look like a pie that has been cut in half. This moon rises around midnight, reaching its highest point in the sky at dawn, and sets around noon.

The last quarter moon conveys a message of letting go and decluttering. This is a powerful time for menstruating people to release what no longer serves them, resonating with the end of the menstrual cycle. It is the ideal moment for introspection, personal growth, and preparing for the next new moon cycle.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Increase focus on clearing out emotional and physical clutter
  • Time to set intentions for the next cycle

Waning Crescent: Rest & Recovery

The waning crescent appears as a C-shaped crescent in the sky, with the lit side facing east. This is the final phase in the moon cycle and lasts about 7.38 days, often rising around 3:00 am and setting around 3:00 pm. When this moon first rises in the night sky, it may appear red due to atmospheric scattering.

The waning crescent moon marks a stage of rest and recovery – a quiet time for reflection. Menstruating people may feel introspective and more in tune with their emotions. It’s a period to recharge before the new moon, often aligning with the pre-menstrual phases for many.

Influence on Menstruation

  • Heightened awareness of need for rest and self-care
  • An ideal time for nurturing oneself and slowing down


While scientific research on the connection between lunar phases and menstruation continues, many menstruating people report experiencing a correlation between the moon’s cycles and their own. Whether it’s the emotional intensity of the full moon or the reflective nature of the new moon, understanding how these cycles intertwine can empower menstruating people to embrace their natural rhythms.

Every individual is unique, and the interplay between lunar phases and menstruation can vary greatly. Tracking your cycles and their correlation with the moon phases can enhance self-awareness, promote self-care, and lead to a deeper connection with the natural world and your body. Embrace the ebb and flow of both the moon and your menstrual cycle, and use this knowledge to nurture your mind and body throughout the month.

The content of this blog does not replace professional medical diagnosis or treatment.



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