Pittsburgh, PA(412) 980-1442

Surprising things Mental Health Therapists in Pittsburgh, PA can help with

November 6, 2024
Woman Smiling While Being Counseled

Written by: Jessica Morrow (She/her) MSW, LSW, CCTS

When you think about therapy, many people imagine sitting in a room telling the person in front of you your deepest, darkest secrets and having them help you navigate through this thing called life. However, mental health clinicians can do much much more!

We can help you through challenging relationships, even when it is the other person who may be the one who needs help. Even though you are not the one who may need help in a therapeutic situation, we as therapists can help you navigate and cope with other peoples’ negative behaviors or habits. We can help you figure out how to reduce the negative impact of the relationship and find out why they bother you so much. We can also help you decide whether this is a relationship you want to keep or whether
it may not be in your best interest.

We can also help when you are experiencing physical health challenges. Countless studies show that the mind and the body are connected and that any type of stress, specifically chronic stress, is very harmful to our mental and physical health. If you have physical health challenges, therapists can help you find pleasure in the world and help reduce some day-to-day stress you may be experiencing that could make your physical health worsen.

Let us be honest, adulting is hard! Scheduling appointments, cooking meals, maintaining a schedule, studying for college tests, or whatever you may be experiencing as an adult can be something that a therapist can help you with. We can help you identify what areas you struggle with and what areas you may need help making changes in. We can also help you create a routine that best fits your schedule and/or your family’s schedule/routine.

Do you have an animal you want to use as your emotional support animal? Therapists here at Elements Counseling & Wellness Center can help you fill out the necessary paperwork needed for that fur baby to become your emotional support animal. These may be required for where you live, work, go to school, or out in the community.

Being a holistic practice, the therapists at Elements Counseling & Wellness Spa in Pittsburgh, PA all promote holistic wellness, not just mental health. This means taking care of your body in every way possible. Are you struggling with insomnia or sleep issues? Mental health therapists can help
figure out why you may be struggling. We can help develop rituals for bedtime, and healthy sleep hygiene to promote a great night’s sleep.

As you see there are many things that therapy can help with, you do not need to have a mental health diagnosis or a crisis to see a therapist. As a therapist myself, I encourage all individuals to have a therapist they meet with on an as-needed basis to keep up with their mental and physical well-being!

If you would like to get started with a therapist in Pittsburgh, PA contact us by filling out the contact form, calling 412-336-8832, or emailing info@elementspgh.com  to schedule an intake session.

The content in this blog does not replace professional medical or mental health treatment or diagnosis.



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