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Social Anxiety: The Comedy of Awkwardness

December 12, 2024
crowd of people Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Written by: Autumn Walsh (She/Her) MSW, LSW, CCTS

Ah, social anxiety! That charming companion that makes us feel like we’re auditioning for a role in a horror film every time we step into a room filled with more than three people. Picture this: you’re at a party, trying to blend into the background like a chameleon in a paint store, and suddenly, someone makes eye contact. Cue the sweaty palms, racing heart and a desperate internal monologue wondering if you just accidentally sent your entire life story via group text instead of a private message.

But what is this social anxiety we speak of? It’s more than just the mild jitters one feels before giving a presentation or the awkwardness that wraps us in a blanket of inexplicability when engaging in small talk. Social Anxiety Disorder is an actual mental health condition characterized by an intense fear of being judged, embarrassed, or rejected in social situations. Picture the scene: you’ve entered a coffee shop, and your brain immediately transitions to a self-imposed courtroom drama where you stand accused of committing the terrible crime of existing in public. 

The Checklist of Awkwardness

So, how do you know if you have social anxiety? Let’s dive into the humorous criteria based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 

Fear of Social Situations

This involves excessive fear of being humiliated. If the thought of attending your cousin’s wedding makes you contemplate running off to a remote island instead of donning formal wear, congratulations, you might have social anxiety. 


Remember that time you were invited to a gathering and chose to organize your sock drawer instead? That’s called avoidance, my friend. If you’d rather become the local recluse than participate in social events, you’re likely living with social anxiety.

Physical Symptoms

Ever lightened up a room with your ability to blush on command? That’s a classic symptom! Forget flashing lights; a sudden warm red glow on your face whenever you meet someone new is your personal neon sign saying, “Hello, I’m socially anxious!”

Long-Lasting Fear

This isn’t just a one-time, “Oops, I awkwardly tripped on the dance floor”! It’s an ongoing struggle. If you find yourself losing sleep over that one time you said “duck” instead of “duckling” in front of a group of friends (what even is a duck?!) a week ago, your anxiety might be a smidge overboard.

Impact on Life

If social anxiety is stealing your joy faster than a kid on sugar, it might be time to assess. This disorder can wreak havoc on work, friendships, and even that ambitious plan of taking a yoga class (because who wouldn’t want to show off their impressive downward dog, right?).

Navigating the Social Minefield

Now, let’s throw in a sprinkle of humor while discussing how to manage social anxiety like a pro! 

Preparation is Key

Think of social events as a Broadway show you’ve prepared for with a script! Have some conversation starters up your sleeve (or maybe a pocket-sized cheat sheet). Example: “So, do you believe penguins have knees?”

Arrive Fashionably Late

Who says fashionably late isn’t a strategy? This gives you extra time to steel your nerves by pacing in the parking lot, convincing yourself that the universe is conspiring to make you stay home instead.

Deep Breaths

You can’t go wrong with some good old-fashioned deep breathing. Inhale, exhale, and imagine your anxious thoughts floating away with a balloon—preferably a giant one that probably contains your existential dread!

Shift Perspective

When you’re feeling nervous, try imagining everyone else also feels like a giant marshmallow on a stick, overly self-conscious and panicking over how they might look while holding a drink.


If social situations scare you, don’t shy away! Like a duck to water (not that you’ll quack, we hope), practice makes perfect. Start small: chat with a barista about their coffee preferences or discuss carton organization techniques with the grocery store cashier.


So, there you have it, folks! Navigating the world with social anxiety might resemble a series of unfortunate events worthy of a fantastical drama. But with the right mindset and tools in place, you can transform those moments of discomfort into opportunities for laughter and self-love. After all, being the “socially awkward bean” is just another way of saying you’re adorably unique. Embrace the awkwardness, and who knows, you might even find another soul on the same quest for laughter amidst the anxiety!

If you or someone you know is dealing with social anxiety, make an appointment with one of our therapists by emailing info@elementspgh.com or calling 412-336-8832.

The information contained in this blog does not replace professional treatment or diagnosis and is for educational purposes only.



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